The Writer’s Journey

I tried writing a blog once. I think I started in 2011 just before I moved to Japan for the second time. I probably kept up with it for about three months before never touching it again. I came across it recently quite by accident, and was disappointed that I hadn’t kept up with it more.

Not too disappointed, though. It wasn’t my first foray into trying to keep up my creative outlets. I started a YouTube channel when I was in college that I deleted, as well as tried to launch a podcast back in 2013 that never got off the ground. Creation is a game that requires a whole lot of dedication, and when you’re young and think you have all the time in the world, it’s easy to bury projects in favor of keeping up an active social life or your career. While there might be some regrets I have about not seeing some of these projects through with more sincerity, the choices I made instead helped to form the basis of the writer I am today.

There’s a few things I’d like to do with this blog. Keeping people abreast of current projects is obviously one of them, but also to go in depth on my own history with storytelling, and how not writing for a long time helped me to commit to becoming an author when the time came.

Stay tuned!



Launching a Novel